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Kush Academy  »  Policies


Reviewed 01/01/2024

Dear Parents, 

Introduction of additional procedures in relation COVID-19 (Coronavirus) 

We wish to inform you of some measures we will be introducing as a proactive response to manage Coronavirus across our centres. These additional measures are precautionary and are designed to monitor the health of our children and staff and include hand washing and temperature monitoring when children enter in the morning. 

We have taken these steps to try and reduce the likelihood of persons who are displaying symptoms from being in our centres and to support the Public Health message to self-isolate. We are following guidance from the UK Government and will continue to do so as the situation progresses. 

Temperature monitoring will take place for all children and colleagues spending the day at the centre. Anyone with a temperature of 38°C or above will be asked to stay away from the centre and monitor their health closely for any signs and symptoms of illness. We will continue to be vigilant in relation to handwashing and personal hygiene and will continue to complete hypochlorite (Milton) or viricidal cleans. 

We appreciate your cooperation and request that until further notice that you do not take your child beyond the entrance of the reception area and work with us to complete the temperature monitoring on entry. The reduced footfall within each room is also a precautionary measure, designed to further reduce the risk. Should your child become unwell, have a high temperature or show any signs or symptoms of Coronavirus whilst at the nursery we will ask you to come to collect your child immediately and to follow the NHS guidance to self-isolate. This will result in your child having to take time away from the nursery. If your child is unwell whilst at home, we request that you please do not bring them into the nursery but inform us of the reason for their absence. 

If you have engaged in any foreign travel over the past 14-days, we request that you complete a travel questionnaire. If any family members have travelled; been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for Coronavirus or has been tested and is awaiting results, please speak directly and without delay to  the Manager. The safeguarding of the health and wellbeing of our children and staff is our priority and we will continue to maintain the measures outlined in previous correspondence. Information about our procedures are available within the nursery for you as well as on our website at:  Kushacademy.co.uk 

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us via email or in person by speaking with the Manager . Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation. 

Kind regrads