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Learning Programs

Kush Academy  »  Learning Programs

Children at all levels are nurture based on each child’s individual strengths and interests. Montessori education encourages children to explore their world, and to understand and respect the life forms, systems and forces of which it consists.

Montessori Preschool Aims

For children aged two to five years (Nursery)

  • provide a safe, engaging and nurturing environment for the child
  • promote trust in themselves and their world
  • develop confidence in their emerging abilities
  • develop gross motor coordination, fine motor skills, and language skills

Offer opportunities to gain independence in daily tasks

For children aged five to seven years (key stage 1 Year 1 & 2)

  • foster the growth of functional independence, task persistence and self-regulation
  • promote social development through respectful, clear communication and safe, natural consequences
  • contain a large variety of materials for the refinement of sensory perception and the development of literacy and mathematical understanding

Offer opportunities for imaginative exploration leading to confident, creative self-expression

For children aged seven to eleven years (Key stage 2 year 3, 4, 5 and 6)

  • foster the growth of functional independence, task persistence and self-regulation
  • promote social development through respectful, clear communication and safe, natural consequences
  • contain a large variety of materials for the refinement of sensory perception and the development of literacy and mathematical understanding

Offer opportunities for imaginative exploration leading to independent leaning and investigation

For children aged eleven to fourteen years (ages six to nine; ages nine to twelve) Key Stage 3

  • offer opportunities for collaborative intellectual exploration in which the child’s interests are supported and guided
  • support the development of self-confidence, imagination, intellectual independence and self-efficacy

Foster an understanding of the child’s role in their community, in their culture and in the natural world

For adolescents aged fourteen to sixteen years GCSE

  • ideally a working farm in which adolescents engage in all aspects of farm administration and economic interdependence, but also include non-farm environments in urban settings
  • assist the young adult in the understanding of oneself in wider and wider frames of reference
  • provide a context for practical application of academics
  • emphasize the development of self-expression, true self-reliance, and agility in interpersonal relationships.